Jeppe works with recognised psychotherapeutic methods. Jungian psychotherapy for individual processes and Imago relationship therapy for all types of human relations.
Jungian psycho therapy
Jungian psychotherapy is conversational therapy with a unique perspective. Stemming from the tradition of C.G. Jung, the unconscious is perceived as the main driving force of the psyche. Through Jungian analysis, we can seek to establish a constructive dialogue with the unconscious. This can take place through symbols, dreams, emotions and many more ways. Jung wished for the modern human to arrive at being able to relate to itself in a way, that has two centers: one in consciousness and another in unconsciousness. Jung also saw, that humans harbour a innate longing towards growth and development, and that it is through the living relationship between consciousness and unconsciousness, that one can begin to fully become oneself. Read more here.
Relationship therapy
Relationship therapy can be relevant in all kinds of human relationships that have gotten stuck or are in other ways problematic. Whereas the relevance of therapy for couples is often the most obvious, I find that relationship therapy can often be just as helpful for dealing with issues between (adult) children and parents and between siblings. I am a certified Image-therapy practitioner, which forms the foundation from which I approach relationship-therapy. But I also draw on inspiration from many other sources, as well as my many years of experience with a broad spectrum of therapeutic work. Read more here.