Our approach to yoga is unique. Our teaching is personal and present. All teachers have extensive knowledge of Alexander Technique, which infuses our understandning of the body and yoga. Our Astanga yoga is soft and caring, and we use precise and sensitive hands to guide our students better into the positions. Yoga is a contact sport! Soft and present contact. And yoga is a team-sport! The shared space and social conscience are important elements of all of our classes.SCHEDULE
monday 17.00 - 18.50
mysore (jeppe)
monday 19.00-20.50
guided class (jeppe)
wednesday 16.30 - 18.20
mysore (anne)
It is our experience, that the ideal number of students per class is between 8 and 12, and we strive to keep the class sizes within those limits. Classes of more than 14 students are rare exceptions.
We follow the classical Astanga yoga-sequence, but although the framework thus is undeniably Astanga, our focus and content is rooted in our extensive knowledge from Alexander Technique and therapeutic touch.
Astanga yoga is a demanding style of yoga, both muscularly and cardio-wise. We always recommend starting on a level 1 class, if you are a beginner.
A relatively easygoing class - good for beginners. The class comprises sun salutations, standing positions, some seated positions and finishing positions. The class ends with a guided relaxation.
Typically a class for the most advanced students, but no specific level is required to attend a mysore-style class. Each student practices independently, following his/her own rhythm, and does as many positions as are appropriate and desired. This means that students must know the sequence, or be willing to learn it. Mysore-classes offer a unique way of practising, for many reasons, one of which being that the teacher is free to move around and give individual guidance and adjustments. At this level the practise really becomes one's own, while still being supported by the group experience and through the continuous dialogue (verbally and physically) with the teacher. In the beginning you will be helped by following the other students. There is no guided relaxation.
A slow and calm, but still demanding style of yoga. Fewer positions, but more time to go deep into the experience of them. The idea is to give enough time for the body and nervous system to calm down, so the inner experience can become clearer. We work towards finding a bodily balanced position, and from there allow the breath to pulse and open the position from the inside. By giving space and time for the body to react and respond to the positions, the inner sensory reality can gradually grow and clarify. The class begins laying down and always ends with sitting.
"Competent teachers with an eye for the individual student".
"Precise and understanding adjustments".
"Strengthening and meaningful yoga in a safe environment".
The yoga-year is divided into two seasons: January-Mayand mid August-December. In June and July there is summer-practice.
Each season you can sign up for a number of classes, that you are then free to use throughout the season. Note that the classes are only valid within the season they are bought.
10 classes
1400 dkk
20 classes
app. 1 class per week for a whole season
2200 dkk
30 classes
3000 dkk
40 classes
app. 2 classes per week for a whole season
3800 dkk
add-on classes
140 dkk
Try-out class
100 dkk
Single class
160 dkk
Special offer for new students: 5 x classes
Must be used within 8 weeks
600 dkk
"Great acceptance of each student's level and ambition".
"Informal but still serious approach to yoga".
"I feel that I'm there for my own sake, and I don't need to prove anything".
bank account:
registration no. 3409
account no. 13188947
It is also possible to pay cash.
"I experience that I am seen, understood, and met with presence and an awareness of my challenges and how I can progress from here."
"It feels like home, and you can show up no matter your mood (also on the days when you don't feel like "exercise")."
A year-long yoga practice is something that becomes part of one's life. Something that weaves in and out and ties into other life events and processes. Some of our students have shared their yoga-stories, and Jeppe has shared some thoughts for each of them here.