Jeppe Juul Christensen
Born i 1976. Master of Science in Economics, specialising in the Marxist economic critique. Yoga teacher since 2001. Alexander Technique teacher since 2009.
Jeppe has more than 20 years experience with yoga, Alexander Technique, food and therapy.
Jeppe runs a yoga school on Tagensvej in Copenhagen and heads the three-year Alexander Technique teacher-training program on the same location. He is a certified Imago-relationship therapist and is currently a senior-candidate at the Jungian Institute of Copenhagen. All his different approaches are joined by a common aim to help people become better and more real versions of themselves. And by an understanding, that this is only possible through deep and patient work.
He gives individual sessions, teaches group classes and trains teachers-to-be. He also offeres couples therapy and psychotherapy at a (reduced) candidate-price.
Write Jeppe at jeppe@virkelig.nu or call +45 27 20 13 43.